Eve 2
Game mode:
Complete the game once to enable an option that allows the game to be played in
a new mode. This mode also includes access to the Chrysler Building shortly
after Day 2
Extra points:
Complete one day without saving the game to receive extra BP points when the
following day begins.
Extra ammunition:
Return to the police station and open the box inside the weapon storage room to
collect thirty bullets. This may be done a total of ten times during the game.
Track the helicopter:
Press Select at the city map screen to track the helicopter as it flies around
the city.
Finding more items:
In Day 4, go to the second floor to find an open gate. Go to your right to reach
a wall. There is a hidden door here that leads to a secret room containing two
boxes. The first box contains a tool or other items (varies). The second box
contains ammunition or other items (varies). This room will refill the boxes, as
done in Wayne's room.
Finding the SP Vest:
Get to the point at the beginning of the game, after the clown in the basement
dies. Check the room right below the room with the save phone. There is a suit
of knight's armor and a dresser next to it. Search the wall next to the knight,
and the wall with crumble. Crawl through the hole to find a "SP Vest"
that has a very good critical rate.
Finding a Tool in the sewer:
A super tool can be found in the sewer, in one of the dead ends. When you climb
down from the ladder, go to the left and check all the dead ends. After reaching
one, stop and check along the left side. about half-way up. The tool will
Hint: Finding
a AT4 bazooka:
Get a lot of medicine and a high level. The AT4 can be found in the warehouse
when you are going to China Town.
Hint: Finding
a Medicine 2:
When in the sewers just after Eve burns everyone in the opera hall, go up on the
stage and battle Eve. She will talk to you after you defeat her and run away.
Follow her. She will go down into the sewers after a short amount of time. Keep
following her. When you first enter the sewers, go all the way to the back of
the room instead of following the little girl. Turn right and follow the wall
until you find a secret room. Once inside you will see two item boxes. Go all
the way to the right to find a valve. Turn the valve and then return to the
exit. You will see a new box. Inside is a Medicine 2, which can be very helpful
during the alligator battle.