Paper Mario

code title


Enable Code

de025c000000 f106c6b02400

Have All Members In Your Party!

8010f2ac0001 8010f2b40001 8010f2bc0001 8010f2c40001 8010f2cc0001 8010f2d40001

Infinite FP

8010f2950063 8010f2960063

Infinite HP

8010f2920063 8010f2930063

Item Modifier 1


Item Modifier Slot 2


Item Modifier Slot 3


Key Item Modifier 2


Lots Of Coins


Max Badge Points


Max Level


Max Star Pieces


Max Star Points


1Replace the xxx with the associated code.

094 - Apple
053 - Artifact
11c - Spin Attack
11d - Dizzy Attack
0e6 - First Attack
120 - Bump Attack
06f - Autograph
071 - Autograph
146 - Attack FX B
027 - Crystal Ball
058 - Magical Bean
09e - Blue Berry
0a0 - Yellow Berry
0a1 - Bubble Berry
09f - Red Berry
01e - Crystal Berry
090 - POW Block
02c - Magical Seed Blue
084 - Thunder Bolt
029 - Cook Book
0e4 - Power Bounce
031 - Bucket
093 - Whacka's Bump
062 - Buter
148 - Attack FX C
0d6 - Nutty Cake
0c1 - Cake
0b7 - Shroom Cake
0d2 - Strange Cake
030 - Calculator
112 - Close Call
0cb - Honey Candy
0d0 - Lemon Candy
0ce - Lime Candy
088 - Stone Cap
00a - First Degree Card
00d - Fourth Degree Card
00c - Third Degree Card
00b - Second Degree Card
0ed - Quick Change
109 - Smash Charge
10a - Jump Charge
10b - Smash Chg.
10c - Jump Chg.
063 - Cleanser
0ac - Coconut
0d3 - Kooky Cookie
0c0 - Big Cookie
0d9 - Yoshi Cookie
060 - Cream
07b - Silver Credit
07c - Gold Credit
145 - Attack FX D
113 - P-Up D-Down
116 - P-Down D-Up
114 - Lucky Day
09a - Dizzy Dial
024 - Dictonary
0e9 - Double Dip
106 - Triple Dip
00e - Diploma
130 - Damage Dodge
13a - Damage Dodge
13b - Damage Dodge
081 - Snowman Doll
056 - Dolly
0f5 - HP Drain
147 - Attack FX E
0d8 - Boiled Egg
05f - Egg
0c9 - Fried Egg
0ab - Egg
149 - Attack FX F
151 - Attack FX F
135 - FP+
0be - Deluxe Feast
11a - Heart Finder
11b - Flower Finder
0f2 - Feeling Fine
065 - Flour
140 - Happy Flower
080 - Fire Flower
129 - Deep Focus
132 - Deep Focus
143 - Group Focus
133 - Deep Focus
0d4 - Frozen Fries
0a8 - Dried Fruit
097 - Repel Gel
074 - Glasses
0f7 - Slow Go
0a5 - Goomnut
02d - Magical Seed Green
134 - HP+
0e7 - HP+
0e8 - Quake Hammer
086 - Dusty Hammer
004 - Hammer
006 - Ultra Hammer
005 - Super Hammer
136 - Happy Heart
0ff - Happy Heart
137 - Happy Heart
0ae - Stinky Herb
077 - Red Jar
098 - Fright Jar
018 - Golden Jar
0a2 - Jammin' Jelly
0bc - Healthy Juice
121 - Power Jump
003 - Tornado Jump
002 - Spin Jump
001 - Jump
12e - D-Down Jump
123 - Mega Jump
06a - Castle Key
079 - Warehouse Key
06b - Odd Key
078 - Castle Key
07a - Prison Key
034 - Blue Key
033 - Red Key
020 - Storeroom Key
01f - Mystical Key
01a - Castle Key
014 - Palace Key
013 - Castle Key
011 - Ruins Key
010 - Fortress Key
07d - Prison Key
0b5 - KooPasta
0a6 - Koopa Leaf
0a9 - Strange Leaf
06e - Koopa Legends
09c - Lemon
036 - Letter
09d - Lime
0f1 - Pretty Lucky
067 - Lyrics
069 - Mailbag
0e3 - Dodge Master
0bb - Yummy Meal
0bd - Bland Meal
068 - Melody
0ad - Melon
066 - Milk
0c8 - Egg Missile
0aa - Cake Mix
0fd - Money Money
0e1 - Multibounce
08a - Mushroom
096 - Mystery
025 - Mystery Note
0f4 - All Or Nothing
02e - Magical Seed Orange
0fe - Chill Out
076 - Package
023 - Frying Pan
06d - Sneak Parasol
0a7 - Dried Pasta
103 - Runaway Pay
0fc - Pay-Off
085 - Pebble
144 - Peekaboo
073 - Old Photo
0b1 - Apple Pie
0f8 - FP Plus
0cc - Electro Pop
0d1 - Jelly Pop
0cf - Coco Pop
0cd - Fire Pop
01d - Boo's Portrait
0af - Iced Potato
0ee - D-Down Pound
0fa - Ice Power
13c - Power+
0e2 - Power+
117 - Power Quake
108 - Mega Quake
082 - Thunder Rage
02a - Jade Raven
022 - Record
02b - Magical Seed Red
104 - Refund
0f9 - Mega Rush
10d - Power Rush
0d5 - Potato Salad
05e - Salt
138 - Flower Saver
139 - Flower Saver
105 - Flower Saver
032 - Scarf
0bf - Special Shake
08f - Sleep Sheep
019 - Kooper's Shell
0e5 - Spike Shield
0ec - Fire Shield
0d7 - Maple Shroom
0b6 - Fried Shroom
0ca - Honey Shroom
08c - Super Shroom
08e - Ultra Shroom
095 - Life Shroom
08d - Dried Shroom
08b - Volt Shroom
0ba - Sweet Shroom
0b9 - Hot Shroom
0da - Jelly Shroom
124 - Power Smash
126 - Mega Smash
127 - Power Smash
0e0 - Spin Smash
12b - Shrink Smash
128 - Power Smash
09b - Super Soda
059 - Fertile Soil
0b0 - Spicy Soup
0c7 - Spaghetti
11f - Speedy Spin
11e - I Spy
111 - Last Stand
083 - Shooting Star
007 - Lucky Star
0b8 - Shroom Steak
12f - Shrink Stomp
0eb - Sleep Stomp
0ef - Dizzy Stomp
06c - Star Stone
00f - Ultra Stone
016 - Pyramid Stone
057 - Water Stone
017 - Diamond Stone
015 - Lunar Stone
012 - Pulse Stone
061 - Strawberry
05d - Sugar
0c4 - Honey Super
0c5 - Maple Super
0c6 - Jelly Super
0a3 - Maple Syrup
0a4 - Honey Syrup
100 - Zap Tap
05c - Tape
0c3 - Koopa Tea
107 - Hammer Throw
089 - Tasty Tonic
021 - Toy Train
0b2 - Honey Ultra
0b3 - Maple Ultra
0b4 - Jelly Ultra
05b - Volcano Vase
070 - Empty Wallet
092 - Stop Watch
064 - Water
05a - Miracle Water
01c - Weight
13e - Defend+
15c - Star Piece
0f3 - Attack FX

2094 - Apple
053 - Artifact
0e6 - First Attack
11c - Spin Attack
120 - Bump Attack
11d - Dizzy Attack
06f - Autograph
071 - Autograph
146 - Attack FX B
027 - Crystal Ball
058 - Magical Bean
09e - Blue Berry
09f - Red Berry
0a0 - Yellow Berry
0a1 - Bubble Berry
01e - Crystal Berry
090 - POW Block
02c - Magical Seed Blue
084 - Thunder Bolt
029 - Cook Book
0e4 - Power Bounce
031 - Bucket
093 - Whacka's Bump
062 - Buter
148 - Attack FX C
0b7 - Shroom Cake
0c1 - Cake
0d6 - Nutty Cake
0d2 - Strange Cake
030 - Calculator
112 - Close Call
0cb - Honey Candy
0ce - Lime Candy
0d0 - Lemon Candy
088 - Stone Cap
00a - First Degree Card
00b - Second Degree Card
00c - Third Degree Card
00d - Fourth Degree Card
0ed - Quick Change
109 - Smash Charge
10a - Jump Charge
10b - Smash Chg.
10c - Jump Chg.
063 - Cleanser
0ac - Coconut
0c0 - Big Cookie
0d9 - Yoshi Cookie
0d3 - Kooky Cookie
060 - Cream
07b - Silver Credit
07c - Gold Credit
145 - Attack FX D
113 - P-Up D-Down
116 - P-Down D-Up
114 - Lucky Day
09a - Dizzy Dial
024 - Dictonary
0e9 - Double Dip
106 - Triple Dip
00e - Diploma
130 - Damage Dodge
13b - Damage Dodge
13a - Damage Dodge
081 - Snowman Doll
056 - Dolly
0f5 - HP Drain
147 - Attack FX E
0ab - Egg
0c9 - Fried Egg
0d8 - Boiled Egg
05f - Egg
149 - Attack FX F
151 - Attack FX F
135 - FP+
0be - Deluxe Feast
11a - Heart Finder
11b - Flower Finder
0f2 - Feeling Fine
065 - Flour
080 - Fire Flower
140 - Happy Flower
129 - Deep Focus
143 - Group Focus
133 - Deep Focus
132 - Deep Focus
0d4 - Frozen Fries
0a8 - Dried Fruit
097 - Repel Gel
074 - Glasses
0f7 - Slow Go
0a5 - Goomnut
02d - Magical Seed Green
0e7 - HP+
134 - HP+
086 - Dusty Hammer
005 - Super Hammer
0e8 - Quake Hammer
006 - Ultra Hammer
004 - Hammer
0ff - Happy Heart
136 - Happy Heart
137 - Happy Heart
0ae - Stinky Herb
098 - Fright Jar
077 - Red Jar
018 - Golden Jar
0a2 - Jammin' Jelly
0bc - Healthy Juice
002 - Spin Jump
001 - Jump
003 - Tornado Jump
123 - Mega Jump
12e - D-Down Jump
121 - Power Jump
06a - Castle Key
010 - Fortress Key
013 - Castle Key
01a - Castle Key
034 - Blue Key
033 - Red Key
020 - Storeroom Key
01f - Mystical Key
014 - Palace Key
011 - Ruins Key
06b - Odd Key
07d - Prison Key
07a - Prison Key
079 - Warehouse Key
078 - Castle Key
0b5 - KooPasta
0a6 - Koopa Leaf
0a9 - Strange Leaf
06e - Koopa Legends
09c - Lemon
036 - Letter
09d - Lime
0f1 - Pretty Lucky
067 - Lyrics
069 - Mailbag
0e3 - Dodge Master
0bb - Yummy Meal
0bd - Bland Meal
068 - Melody
0ad - Melon
066 - Milk
0c8 - Egg Missile
0aa - Cake Mix
0fd - Money Money
0e1 - Multibounce
08a - Mushroom
096 - Mystery
025 - Mystery Note
0f4 - All Or Nothing
02e - Magical Seed Orange
0fe - Chill Out
076 - Package
023 - Frying Pan
06d - Sneak Parasol
0a7 - Dried Pasta
103 - Runaway Pay
0fc - Pay-Off
085 - Pebble
144 - Peekaboo
073 - Old Photo
0b1 - Apple Pie
0f8 - FP Plus
0cc - Electro Pop
0cf - Coco Pop
0d1 - Jelly Pop
0cd - Fire Pop
01d - Boo's Portrait
0af - Iced Potato
0ee - D-Down Pound
0fa - Ice Power
0e2 - Power+
13c - Power+
108 - Mega Quake
117 - Power Quake
082 - Thunder Rage
02a - Jade Raven
022 - Record
02b - Magical Seed Red
104 - Refund
0f9 - Mega Rush
10d - Power Rush
0d5 - Potato Salad
05e - Salt
105 - Flower Saver
138 - Flower Saver
139 - Flower Saver
032 - Scarf
0bf - Special Shake
08f - Sleep Sheep
019 - Kooper's Shell
0e5 - Spike Shield
0ec - Fire Shield
0b6 - Fried Shroom
08b - Volt Shroom
0da - Jelly Shroom
0d7 - Maple Shroom
095 - Life Shroom
08e - Ultra Shroom
08d - Dried Shroom
08c - Super Shroom
0ba - Sweet Shroom
0ca - Honey Shroom
0b9 - Hot Shroom
0e0 - Spin Smash
124 - Power Smash
128 - Power Smash
12b - Shrink Smash
127 - Power Smash
126 - Mega Smash
09b - Super Soda
059 - Fertile Soil
0b0 - Spicy Soup
0c7 - Spaghetti
11f - Speedy Spin
11e - I Spy
111 - Last Stand
083 - Shooting Star
007 - Lucky Star
0b8 - Shroom Steak
0eb - Sleep Stomp
12f - Shrink Stomp
0ef - Dizzy Stomp
06c - Star Stone
012 - Pulse Stone
015 - Lunar Stone
00f - Ultra Stone
016 - Pyramid Stone
057 - Water Stone
017 - Diamond Stone
061 - Strawberry
05d - Sugar
0c4 - Honey Super
0c5 - Maple Super
0c6 - Jelly Super
0a3 - Maple Syrup
0a4 - Honey Syrup
100 - Zap Tap
05c - Tape
0c3 - Koopa Tea
107 - Hammer Throw
089 - Tasty Tonic
021 - Toy Train
0b2 - Honey Ultra
0b3 - Maple Ultra
0b4 - Jelly Ultra
05b - Volcano Vase
070 - Empty Wallet
092 - Stop Watch
05a - Miracle Water
064 - Water
01c - Weight
0f3 - Attack FX
15c - Star Piece
13e - Defend+

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