

Level  Password
2      GL6T
3      C47?
4      8W2H
5      WT7Q
6      B#QGGH4/
7      39TN
8      JHJ/
9      =M3K
10     T94/
11     HB2/
12     1XPK
13     71CL
14     C?#2
15     GG1C
16     ?KGQ9T4M
17     L&=7
18     SC/W
19     Q41M
20     8QH=
21     =65=
22     T8CJ
23     ?7QG
24     LC/W
25     ?=5Q
26     MXRT 
End    JXRB7K&948HPD32#JN

Sound Test
At the title screen, press A, B, Select to access the sound test menu.

Final Stage

At the password entry screen.

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