Fighting Championship
Skill Points For Your Career
In career mode, Create your own wrestler and name him:
Best Buy
Note: The name is cap sensitive. You must capitalize the B in each name.
Naming your character "Best Buy" will give you 999 skill points to use
as you wish.
All Original Character's Type,
Styles, and Levels
Get the UFC Silver Belt with any of the 22 original fighters to unlock their
body type and fighting style in Career Mode.
Different Referee in Career Mode
Sparring Matches
While playing career mode, after you've selected a wrestler, and the match is
loading, hold down all four buttons (A + X + Y + B) and both triggers for a
different referee.
Switch Referee with Announcer
After selecting the fighters while the fight is loading press and hold the
shoulder buttons (L + R) until the fight starts the announcer will become the
Unlock Big John's (Referee) Vitals
Get the UFC Gold Belt with a Career Mode character to unlock Big John McCarthy's
body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname.
Unlock Bruce Buffer's Vitals
Get the UFC Silver Belt with a Career Mode character to unlock Bruce Buffer's
body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname.
Unlock Card Girl's Vitals
Get the UFC Silver Belt with all 22 original fighters to unlock the Card Girl's
body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname.
Unlock Ulti-Man's Style and Suitcase
Get the UFC Gold Belt with all 22 original fighters to unlock Ulti-Man's
fighting style and the ''Suitcase'' location.
Unlock Ulti-Man's Vitals
Get the UFC Gold Belt on hard difficulty to unlock Ulti-Man's body type, voice,
nickname, and the ''Octagon'' location.